- The school has well equipped library.
- Religion and value education classes are conducted twice a week.
- Once a year 2 days of retreat for catholic students and one day prayer service for other students is conducted.
- Eucharistic Celebration for Catholic Students and teachers is organized on First Friday of every month.
- Physical education and games are compulsory, exemption is granted only on medical grounds. The school participates in inter-school athletics and tournaments.
- Elocution. Debating, Y.S.M., Choir, Singing, Bosco kids, Leadership Training etc., from a large part of the year’s “Creative Programme” of Co-curricular activities.
- Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) forms an important activity for Std. V to VII.
- To initiate pupils into the basics of computers, computer classes are made compulsory form Std. I to VII.
All students are most earnestly urged to avail themselves of the several religious and cultural opportunities offered.