School Activities

  1. The school has well equipped library.
  2. Religion and value education classes are conducted twice a week.
  3. Once a year 2 days of retreat for catholic students and one day prayer service for other students is conducted.
  4. Eucharistic Celebration for Catholic Students and teachers is organized on First Friday of every month.
  5. Physical education and games are compulsory, exemption is granted only on medical grounds. The school participates in inter-school athletics and tournaments.
  6. Elocution. Debating, Y.S.M., Choir, Singing, Bosco kids, Leadership Training etc., from a large part of the year’s “Creative Programme” of Co-curricular activities.
  7. Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) forms an important activity for Std. V to VII.
  8. To initiate pupils into the basics of computers, computer classes are made compulsory form Std. I to VII.

 All students are most earnestly urged to avail themselves of the several religious and cultural opportunities offered.

Contact Us

Kammanahalli - 560084
Phone - 080 -25423292

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