- No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from the parents or guardians and then only for serious reasons which should be mentioned.
- In case of illness students on returning to school must bring a note in the calendar from their parents certifying to the fact. Failure to produce this note may oblige the school to send them home even during school hours. Students who are suffering from and infectious disease must bring doctor’s Certificate declaring them fit to go to school without danger of infection others. The principal should be informed as soon as possible, if due to illness, a pupil is likely to be absent for more than a week.
- Absence without leave renders students liable to a fine. If this absence is prolonged for more than a week especially before or after holidays, they are liable to be struck off the rolls, or serious disciplinary action will be taken.
- No student who has been absent from school or is late for school will be admitted to class without the principal’s signature in the calendar.
- In case of sudden death of any family member or sickness like high fever, vomiting, diarrhea etc or a fall or injury while playing in the school, the child will be allowed to go home only with his/ her parents.
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