
Four tests and a term examination is held during the year and reports are issued within a fortnight...

Strict regularity, implicit obedience, politeness and courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness...

Promotion refused will not be reconsidered: only in very exceptional cases will applications...

About Us
ST. CHARLES HIGH SCHOOL is a Religious Minority Institution as envisaged under Art. 30(1) of the Indian Constitution. This institution was established in the year 2003 by the Sisters of St.Charles Borromeo, to cater primarily to the education of the Catholic community. Yet, from the very beginning the School has been open to all communities irrespective of caste or creed.
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Principal's Message
India is in need of Value Based Education and Teaching System which inculcates among the young students values that they need to imbibe and embalm within them.
Children learn a lot from the people around them. If the social environment is not good, then it becomes very difficult for them to display ethics and values in their behaviour. We hear it all around, that children in India are going astray. Newspapers report how a fifteen year old boy has been the leader of a gang of auto-thieves. And all these auto-thieves belong to the so- called high families. To get rich quick has been their ambition—not hard work, not sustained pursuits of high order but just anything that can get them quick returns in the form of good money—that has led them to these nefarious ways. So ethics and values need to be imbibed among students
Children learn a lot from the people around them. If the social environment is not good, then it becomes very difficult for them to display ethics and values in their behaviour. We hear it all around, that children in India are going astray. Newspapers report how a fifteen year old boy has been the leader of a gang of auto-thieves. And all these auto-thieves belong to the so- called high families. To get rich quick has been their ambition—not hard work, not sustained pursuits of high order but just anything that can get them quick returns in the form of good money—that has led them to these nefarious ways. So ethics and values need to be imbibed among students
Our Values
Strong work ethic
Strong work ethic
Inaugural Eucharistic Celebration
19 June 2024
"In the Sacred Heart, every treasure of wisdom and...